I do what I want
не стоит злить Ниоту Ухуру:-D

#SPOCK HAS SEEN SOME SHIT OKAY HE HAS SEEN SOME SHIT #she once put a man in sickbay for a month because she found him harrassing an orion yeoman #mccoy never even bothered trying to write her up and just regrew his nose #no questions asked #an ensign was making fun of chekovs accent near her once and she chewed him out so soundly that the next day he presented chekov a homemade fourcourse gourmet meal to his absolute confusion and her disdainful satisfaction #two bitter gamma shift helmsmen were gossipping about how spock was probably an emotionless bastard because his mom died #over the course of the next week spock found out that theyd both read through every file on vulcan history in their database #SPOCK HAS SEEN SOME SHIT OKAY JAMES TIBERIUS KIRK; IF YOU FUCK WITH NYOTA UHURA #SHE WILL END YOU ©

@темы: гифки, Star Trek