I do what I want
Мне так нравится их взаимодействие друг с другом
opening to Panel - Jensen is laughing at Jared's muscle pic on the wall, and Jared breaks his chair! more later today
Остальные выложу ссылками, потому что их там много)))
Часть 4. Jensen is asked why he doesn't come to east coast cons, and Jared talks about their flight schedules and getting stuck in airports
Часть 5. Fan apologized for the prior question about Jensen coming East for cons; Fan asked what whiskey or beer they drink; and Jensen's chair breaks....he said he want's a Barcolounger for the next Con!
Часть 6. Jared is asked to speak with 2 accents - Jensen takes a seat in the audience to watch and listen!
Часть 7. Sound is muffled for a little bit, Jared is talking about the Nutcracker on CC; and Jensen talks about wanting to get Chris Kane on the show.
Часть 8. Jensen talks about meeting Lance Reddick of Fringe
Часть 9. sounds is muffled for a short bit, Jensen is talking about meeting Lance Reddick - he is star struck; have the Js ever had a supernatural experience; and Is the Classic Rock coming back - Jensen loved that question!
Часть 10. Fan wants to know if they will ever cut Sam's hair like in season 1; question about the way the CW promotes the show; and congrats on the TV Guide Cover and THE END!
Banner signing
Видео хорошего качества, правда на некоторых небольшие трабблы со звуком.