I do what I want
6х01 - "Exile on Main Street" (Filmed from July 13th to July 22nd)
6х02 - "Two and a Half Men" (Filmed from July 23rd to August 4th)
6х03 - "The Third Man" (Filmed from August 5th to August 16th)
6х04 - "Weekend at Bobby's" (Filmed from June 30th to July 12th)
6х05 - "Live Free or Twihard" (Filmed from August 27th to September 8th)
6х06 - "You Can't Handle the Truth" (Filmed from August 17th to August 26th)
6х07 - "Family Matters" (previously titled "All In The Family") (Filmed from September 9th to September 20th)
6x08 - "All Dogs Go To Heaven" (Filmed from September 21st to September 30th)
6x09 - "Clap Your Hands If You Believe" (Filmed from October 1st to October 13th)
6x10 - "Caged Heat" (Filmed from October 14th to October 25th)
6x11 - "Appointment In Samarra" (Filmed from October 26th to November 4th)
6x12 - "Like A Virgin" (previously titled "How To Train Your Dragon") (Filmed from November 5th to November 19th)
6x13 - "Unforgiven" (previously titled "The Kiss Of The Spider-man") (Filming from November 29th to December 8th)
6x14 - "Mannequin 3: The Reckoning" (Filming from December 8th to December 17th)
6x15 - "The French Mistake" (Filming from January 5th to January 14th)
6x16 - "...And Then There Were None" (Filmed from January 17th to January 25th)
6x17 - "My Heart Will Go On" (previously titled "Your Time Is Gonna Come") (Filmed from February 3rd to February 14th)
6x18 - "Frontierland" (previously titled "Gallows Pole" or "Trail Of The Dead") (Filmed from January 25th to February 3rd)
6x19 - "Mommy Dearest" (Filming from February 14th to February 23rd)
6х20 - "The Man Who Would Be King" (Filming from February 23rd to March 7th)
6х21 - "Let It Bleed" (previously titled "The Haunter Of The Dark") (Filming from March 7th to March 16th)
6х22 - "The Man Who Knew Too Much" (Filming from March 16th to March 29th)
Названия серий взяты у (*Jess*) и со Spoiler TV. За график съёмок спасибо
А название 6х17 вроде отсылает к этой песне Led Zeppelin
Действие будет происходить в 1861 году, и там появится какая-то новая девушка-ангел. Надеюсь, она будет не как Анна![:uzhos:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/4704643.gif)
Your Time Is Gonna Come, снова отсылка к Led Zeppelin. Эммм![:conf3:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1152.gif)
Да что ж они никак с названиями-то не определятся?! Хотя My Heart Will Go On мне нравится))) Говорю ж, сплошные ретейлинги, вот теперь до Титаника добрались
Нам ждать обнимашек на корабле и позирования для портретов в обнаженном виде?![:gigi:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1134.gif)
И в 6х18 вроде одна из Мойр появится, Атропос, обрезающая нить человеческой жизни в назначенный судьбой срок![:str:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/497786.gif)
Mommy? Мэри? Эллен? Мать всех альф?![:duma2:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/2430225.gif)
6х17 и 6х18 поменяли местами! Серия про ковбоев теперь выйдет 22 апреля.
Названия последних эпизодов заставляют меня нервничать... Скорей бы уже точно сказали, будет 7 сезон или нет, а то эта неопределенность убивает.
6х02 - "Two and a Half Men" (Filmed from July 23rd to August 4th)
6х03 - "The Third Man" (Filmed from August 5th to August 16th)
6х04 - "Weekend at Bobby's" (Filmed from June 30th to July 12th)
6х05 - "Live Free or Twihard" (Filmed from August 27th to September 8th)
6х06 - "You Can't Handle the Truth" (Filmed from August 17th to August 26th)
6х07 - "Family Matters" (previously titled "All In The Family") (Filmed from September 9th to September 20th)
6x08 - "All Dogs Go To Heaven" (Filmed from September 21st to September 30th)
6x09 - "Clap Your Hands If You Believe" (Filmed from October 1st to October 13th)
6x10 - "Caged Heat" (Filmed from October 14th to October 25th)
6x11 - "Appointment In Samarra" (Filmed from October 26th to November 4th)
6x12 - "Like A Virgin" (previously titled "How To Train Your Dragon") (Filmed from November 5th to November 19th)
6x13 - "Unforgiven" (previously titled "The Kiss Of The Spider-man") (Filming from November 29th to December 8th)
6x14 - "Mannequin 3: The Reckoning" (Filming from December 8th to December 17th)
6x15 - "The French Mistake" (Filming from January 5th to January 14th)
6x16 - "...And Then There Were None" (Filmed from January 17th to January 25th)
6x17 - "My Heart Will Go On" (previously titled "Your Time Is Gonna Come") (Filmed from February 3rd to February 14th)
6x18 - "Frontierland" (previously titled "Gallows Pole" or "Trail Of The Dead") (Filmed from January 25th to February 3rd)
6x19 - "Mommy Dearest" (Filming from February 14th to February 23rd)
6х20 - "The Man Who Would Be King" (Filming from February 23rd to March 7th)
6х21 - "Let It Bleed" (previously titled "The Haunter Of The Dark") (Filming from March 7th to March 16th)
6х22 - "The Man Who Knew Too Much" (Filming from March 16th to March 29th)
Названия серий взяты у (*Jess*) и со Spoiler TV. За график съёмок спасибо
А название 6х17 вроде отсылает к этой песне Led Zeppelin
Your Time Is Gonna Come, снова отсылка к Led Zeppelin. Эммм
Да что ж они никак с названиями-то не определятся?! Хотя My Heart Will Go On мне нравится))) Говорю ж, сплошные ретейлинги, вот теперь до Титаника добрались
И в 6х18 вроде одна из Мойр появится, Атропос, обрезающая нить человеческой жизни в назначенный судьбой срок
Mommy? Мэри? Эллен? Мать всех альф?
6х17 и 6х18 поменяли местами! Серия про ковбоев теперь выйдет 22 апреля.
Названия последних эпизодов заставляют меня нервничать... Скорей бы уже точно сказали, будет 7 сезон или нет, а то эта неопределенность убивает.
Сэмми задели за живое
А что это за момент?
3.05. Сцена в больнице.
Сэнкс) Теперь вспомнила)