гифочки и история со съёмок. бедный Карл
“The first day I was there actually I went into the wardrobe fitting and the wardrobe lady came to me “Hii~ Karl! Here`s your costume!” … She handed me a thong… a leather thong. And I`m like “Eeee~aaaa and where`s the rest?” and she`s “No, that`s it, that`s what they used to wear!” And I`m like “This isn`t a documentary!” So they handed me chaps to tie on but the thong wasn`t very big and by the end of the first day of shooting I literally mooned the entire cast and crew multitude of times. But in the first week we were getting memos from FOX saying “Ohyeah we may think you might make Karls thong a little bit bigger…!” Because these wardrobe person were hard after for the authenticity and I love that, its just great, especially when you`re hitting into winter.” ©
| четверг, 19 сентября 2013