Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Mike and Harvey and a Few Things You Didn't, Harvey/Mike, Donna, R
20 Facts about Harvey and Mike as a couple.
милота *_*
Exclusively Yours verse, Harvey/Mike, PG-13-NC-17
Harvey turns up to work one Monday morning wearing a wedding ring. No one even knew he was seeing someone. Cue everyone noticing and commenting on the ring, trying to find out who Harvey married...
Майк и Харви поженились) На мой взгляд тут немного ООС, но я все равно в восторге
5 times Harvey didn't use Mike's name in bed, and the 1 time he did, Harvey/Mike
5 раз, когда Харви и Майк просто занимаются сексом, и 1 раз, который показывает, что Харви не все равно
Three Times Harvey Accidentally Hit On Mike And One Time He Did It On Purpose, Harvey/Mike, PG-13
Contrary to popular opinion at Pearson Hardman, Mike's not completely useless when it comes to reading people. He likes to think he's become particularly good at reading Harvey. He knows the twitch in Harvey's jaw when Mike makes a joke is sometimes him trying not to smile. He knows the difference between a smirk and a genuine Harvey Specter smile.
Untitled Rainbow Ficlets, Harvey/Mike, Donna, Louis, Jessica, PG-13
In which Harvey and Mike are adorable and domesticated.
хороший фик. Мне понравилась идея с цветами радуги)
I won't send roses, Harvey/Mike, PG-13
Harvey gets hold of Mike's mp3 player and gets a surprise....
How Not to Court Your Associate: A Handbook, Harvey/Mike, PG-13
Mike and Harvey have been sleeping together for three months. Harvey isn’t satisfied.
Харви и Майк спят вместе, но Харви думает, что Майку все равно, и для него это просто секс.
Fair Enough, Harvey/Mike, Rachel, PG-13
Rachel thinks it's time to take a chance on Mike. Unfortunately, when she knocks, a naked man answers Mike's door...
Рейчел решила попытать счастья с Майком, но, упс, он оказался уже занят
between how it is and how it should be, Harvey/Mike, G
Five times people confuse them for a couple and one time they're right.
забавный фик)))
Easy Money, Harvey/Mike, Donna, PG-13
Mike has a secret and Harvey does too. But Harvey doesn't even realise yet until Donna makes an assumption.
Complimentary colors, Harvey/Mike, G
Five times in which Harvey and Mike match.
Three Times Harvey Asked Mike to Marry Him, Harvey/Mike, PG-13
Three Times Harvey Asked Mike To Marry Him, And One Time Mike Said Yes
Say it ain't so, I will not go (turn the lights off, carry me home), Harvey/Mike, G
Five times Harvey sees Mike dressed casually...
Take Your Daughter to Work, Harvey/Mike, Donna, PG
Harvey has to take his daughter to work. Donna gets blackmail material and Harvey's daughter is too adorable for her own good.
просто прелесть *_*
continental drift, Harvey/Mike, PG-13
Harvey and Mike mismanage a relationship they didn't even know they were in.
Прекрасный фик Все начинается с секса, а потом становится чем-то большим. А еще тут ревнующий Майк *_* Очень понравилось)))
Avengers and the State of New York, Harvey/Mike, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Thor, Hulk, Avengers!crossover, PG-13
5 times Harvey and Mike had to represent an Avenger and the 1 time they told them all to fuck off.
Мстители такие сплетники
Obviously Oblivious, Harvey/Mike, Donna, PG
Donna writes smutty fanfictions about Mike and Harvey. Everyone in the office is cheering. Mike and Harvey have no idea what is going on.
Донна пишет порно-фички про Харви и Майка
Pizza-Verse, Harvey/Mike, AU, PG-13-NC-17
In an alternate universe, Harvey's still the best closer in New York but Mike's not a runner for Trevor: he's a pizza deliveryman, Harvey's favorite pizza deliveryman. And Harvey's discovery that Mike's more than he lets on will change everyone's lives...
Told and retold through Mike, Donna, and Harvey's point of view, with new scenes and reactions each time.
про разносчика пиццы. Там три части, в принципе одни и те же события, но с разных точек зрения и с небольшими дополнениями. Мне очень понравилось
| вторник, 02 октября 2012