Я не знаю, возможно ли любить их еще больше Дженсен просто прекрасен
Дженсен очень рад, что Сэму вернули душу, и теперь он сможет играть Дина именно как Дина, персонажа, которого он любит играть Так как первая половина сезона была странная, Дин не был Дином, а Сэм не был его братом, к которому он привык. Он был бы рад, если б шоу продолжалось еще год или два) А потом он хотел бы осесть в Л.А. и завести детейс Джаредом))) Дженсен очень рад, что будет эпизод в стиле вестерн и очень его ждет. И ему нравится сниматься в one-off эпизодах, типа 6х15. Статья с фотографиями здесь И чтоб посты не плодить, сюда же, отчет по Q&A с ЖЖ: ДженсенJensen private Q&A: aka Jensen is serious(ly charming) Jensen is medicated. LOL. Between doses of dayquil... He talked about asking to direct in S7 (he called the LA office). He was ready to give them a big pitch, "song and dance"; they said "Yes. Absolutely.". ROCK ON JENSEN He said he would be happy with the show going "1, 2 more years" and then "putting it to bed.". He wants to get back to his "life in LA" and start a family, have kids. <333 He mentioned that there are no sick days or days off, and he's over it but fortunate to have today off. Mitch "has the flu or something" and is far worse but has worked all week. If I get a cold this week, I shall say I caught it from Jensen. He said the first half of S6 was extremely disconcerting for him because Dean wasn't being Dean and Sam wasn't being the brother he'd grown used to acting with. It really put him off stride. He confirmed that Balthazar does a wicked Julia Child (after asking "how do YOU know that?!" LOL). "He had the crew in tears." And broke Jared's character- he had to walk out of shot and hope Jensen could hold in there. Oh and he tried to close the curtains too - with the same enjoyable side effect. ДжаредJared private Q&A aka Jared is aDORable!! Very bouncy. Quickly turned his chair around and straddled it. Talked about a new movie role in John Woo's movie about the "Flying Tigers" and his reading list especially "everything is illuminated". In ep 6.16 he warns there's a scene where he was overcome with tears cuz the book ending is so sad so he might look "a bit overwrought" in the scene. У Джареда походу будет новый фильм Reads scripts for the first time on his treadmill with his iPod on and uses the music to inspire some of Sam in the scenes. Someone brought up reading about a movie version of "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" and how he'd be ideal casting and he thought it would be a blast. He does a mean Julia Child impression! Although apparently Balthazar does an even better one. in an upcoming ep Balthazar is drawing a blood sigil and was joking about "the beautiful glaze". LOL Sun was coming in the curtains behind him and blinding some folks so he tried to close the curtains, but they were 20 feet high and even he couldn't do it. But his shirt did gap quite A LOT every time. AND he patted me on the shoulder on the way in AND on the way out. *glows* write-light
Дурашки Божемой, я дождалась Танцующий Джаред это нечто
Jared and Jensen fucking around with their microphones and someone asking what type of question they'd like to answer.
Jared talking about stealing the decal off the steering wheel of the Impala during the season 1 finale. Jensen talking about 'borrowing' clothes. How long it takes to do an episode, and some of Jared's dance moves.
Крис получил Золотой Глобус за лучшую роль второго плана! Боже, я так рада за него Еще глобус получила Джейн Линч) И Гли как лучший телевизионный комедийный/музыкальный сериал
Мальчики в своем репертуаре читать дальшеJared and Jensen thumping their mics on the chairs in almost rhythm. Girl: Jared, how do you put up with bad hair days? "Do I have bad hair days?" Girl: According to season 3, you do. (room explodes) Jensen watches Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. its like a trainwreck. Jared watches Jersey Shore, same reason. "I'll take a personal question about Jared," Jensen says. Jared is doing his aerobics on stage. Sometimes they have to chew ice cubes in the cold in outdoor scenes so their breath fog isnt as apparent on film Jensen:"Thats what we do to pass the time: throw things and explode things." He also once caught 57 almonds in a row in his mouth. Jensen just asked Brazilian girl if she speaks Portuguese... IN PORTUGUESE. Jen greeted a fan in portuguese. jared told him he was stupid XD Jensen is sad he doesn't get to do stunt driving of the Impala. Too busy filming actual scenes, so his double Todd does them. Jensen jokes that he's going to write a book about life w/ Jared called "This Is Why I Don't Have Nice Things." How many scarves do you have, Jared, and do you share them with Gen? "Three, and she can buy her own damn scarves." прально, пусть сама себе шарфы покупает Jared snagged the steering wheel cap off the Impala at the finale of S1 b/c he didn't know if the show was getting picked up again. Jared stole a decal from the Impala!!! Jared steals watches from set. He has one from every role he's ever played. Jared is white boy dancing on stage. хочуууу видео! "The writers are like, 'we're out of ideas in season six. Screw it, give them their Western." "Don't objectify my friend!" - Jared defending Jensen after the latter was asked to remove his shirt onstage Jared, on the birds falling from the sky: Yeah, we're on it. Don't worry. Jensen improved "You fight those fairies."
Дин и Сэм будут ковбоями! Йо-ху! В шляпах и на лошадях, ОМГ! Мечты сбываются Epis 6.17 is a western!! The boys go back in time to find Samuel Colt!!! Дженсен подтвердил эту информацию, и он очень рад, что будет этот эпизод))) Сэра точно пишет фик "We"re getting back to being brothers" Jared forecast for rest of season Уррра! Я так этого ждала Dean will be hunting for hunters that shot he and Sam, Jensen hints Это будет интересно) А еще Дженсен приболел upd: ахаха! Народ отжигает по поводу ковбоев: "if they won call 6.17 Brokeback Mountain Ill be disappointed...XD"
Блин, она к нему прям так и липнет, аж смотреть неприятно... А Джаред весь издергался, пытается отстраниться, но она слишком пьяная настырная. Да еще и крики эти: "Поцелуй ее!" Забавно, вот такие показательные выступления вроде должны показать их невъебенную любофф, а слэшеров заставить рыдать горькими слезами, ан нет, это вызывает только неприязнь да смех над ее потугами. Какие-то хреновые у них там пиаристы. Ведь для того, чтобы выглядеть счастливой парой вовсе не обязательно устраивать такой цирк... И, кстати, ни Дженсен с Данниль, ни тот же Джаред с Сэнди так себя не вели на публике.