я устала от страданий, поэтому большинство из прочитанного в этот раз всевозможная милота))) Incursion, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, PG-13 When Steve and Tony are taken down in the heart of Avengers Tower by alternate versions of themselves, their counterparts reveal a threat to both the foundations of the multiverse and to the foundations of Steve and Tony's friendship. Шикарно Таймлан после 3 выпуска 3 тома Новых Мстителей. Земле грозит столкновение с другой Землей и уничтожение. Супергерои из различных параллельных вселенных объединяются, чтобы этому помешать. Стив-616 узнает, что случилось с Иллюминантами и предыдущей попыткой остановить столкновение и то, что Стрендж стер ему память. И конечно же, у них с Тони опять появляется куча проблем И так было жалко Энтони, Стив которого погиб(((
Buy You A Mockingbird, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, NC-17 Babyfic! When Tony unexpectedly becomes a parent, his world view drastically changes. And changes. Then it changes again. And then again. Из-за Рида Ричардса с Земли-3490 во всех вселенных начали открываться порталы. Земля-3490 была уничтожена, и Тони и Стиву из 616 пришлось воспитывать ребенка Наташи Старк и Стива Роджерса из той вселенной. Очень люблю кид!фики, а еще тут чудесный Томми *_*
King of Infinite Space, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, past Tiberius Stone/Tony Stark, PG-13 A villain from Tony's past comes back to cause trouble for the Avengers. Maybe it wouldn't have been so easy, if things weren't already so awkward over the events of Execute Program. Офигенный фик И команда чудесная. Правда тут опять херт!Тони с огромным чувством вины т_т Очень больно за него(((
Love in a Time of Amnesia, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Carol Danvers, PG-13 Carol might have lost all her memories of her friends, but there's at least one thing she can known with absolute certainty: Steve and Tony are a couple. And if the rest of the Avengers insist on saying they're not, well: Carol will just have to put her amnesia to use, for the greater good. В саммари все сказано) Еще очень позабавил этот момент: "It's... It's Steve. Steve doesn't hold grudges. Unless you kill Bucky. That reminds me: if you see a guy with a robot arm and the attitude of a surly teenager: don't kill him."
I Never, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, G Kang had been defeated, they had four hours to kill before the press conference, and they were reduced to playing a party game Steve strongly suspected had been made up by 13-year-old girls. Мстители играют в "я никогда не...")))
Hypotenuse, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Steve Rogers/Iron Man, NC-17 Steve breaks up with Tony because he's in love with Iron Man. That's when things start to get complicated. Стив спит с Тони, но думает, что для того это просто секс. А потом он осознает, что влюблен в Айронмена и бросает Тони. А Тони как обычно
Shut Up, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson, Luke Cage/Jessica Jones, G In which Steve and Tony are oblivious, and everyone else... well, isn't. Прелестный фик *_*
Independence Day, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, G It's Steve's 90th birthday, and Tony wants to throw him a party. What could possibly go wrong? Тони решил устроить вечеринку в честь девяностолетия Стива))) А еще бонусом тут куча камео различных персонажей, таких как Ванда, Пьетро, Томми, Лайла и многих других *_*
and the future before me, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, past Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers, R An alien crash lands on earth and needs help to get back into space. Everything seems to be simple and easy for once. But when their guest is gone again – why does Steve start to have strange dreams about the future? Инопланетянка дает Стиву способность видеть возможные варианты будущего во сне. Интересный фик)
Marvel Adventures: Avengers Some Assembly Required, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, NC-17 Tony Stark is trying to set up a new superhero team when he's given a sex change, courtesy of Victor von Doom. He copes with that about as well as you'd expect. Дум превращает Тони в женщину, потому что хочет жениться на нем хд Тони почти никому об этом не говорит (потому что иначе можно будет догадаться, что Тони Старк и есть Айронмен, а об этом никто, кроме Роуди не знает) и начинает встречаться со Стивом под именем Морган Старк. Короче, еще один фик о том, как Тони сам себе насоздавал кучу проблем
Heart Burn, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, PG-13 There was a dragon and now Tony's mostly naked and it's all Reed Richards' fault. Забавный и милый фик Очень понравилось)
Bizarre Love Triangle, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Iron Man/Tony Stark, PG-13 Once the idea was in his head, he’d started picking up on all kinds of things, like the way Stark talked about Iron Man with such affection, and seemed to share so many of his mannerisms, and was constantly working on ways of improving the suit. It was obvious. Стив влюблен в Тони, но думает, что Тони влюблен в Айронмена)))
On The Record, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, G Tony vs the tabloids is an ongoing battle. These headlines might be the winning shot. Такая милота *_* Стив думал , что они с Тони встречаются и рассказал об этом в интервью)
The Green Tie Affair, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, PG-13 A cult kidnaps the Hulk. Steve and Tony go undercover to get him back. В саммари все сказано) Хороший фик)
Community Service, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, G Matchmaking is harder than it looks. Питер и Тигра решили свести Тони и Стива))) Особенно повеселило, что для того, чтобы заставить Стива ревновать, они отправили Тони на свидание вслепую. С Доктором Думом
Instant karma’s gonna get you, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, PG-13 Cap is disappointed. Predictably things start to Go Very Bad for Tony. Замечательный фик И Питер тут чудесный)
Trial and Error, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, PG-13 Written for the prompt: "Steve/Tony, unrequited love/pining. Except this time, it's Steve with the crush and Tony who's oblivious. Bonus points if Tony isn't crushing on Steve at first because he honestly never even thought of it, but when he finds out he realizes that he approves. Enthusiastically." I focused rather heavily on the bonus points. Стив влюблен в Тони, а Тони никогда не думал о нем иначе, чем о друге. Но в конце концов до Тони доходит)))
Match Game, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, G Matchmaking: Avengers style. Еще один фик про то, как Мстители (на этот раз Питер и Джанет) решили свести Тони и Стива))) Правда, как оказалось, они и так уже несколько месяцев встречаются хд
The Engagement, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Hank Pym/Janet Van Dyne, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson, PG-13 Good news spreads fast - possibly faster than Tony intended. Pepper's gonna be mad. Серия фиков про то, как Стив сделал Тони предложение, про вечеринку в честь этого и утро после А еще тут замечательные все)))
LYRICS I got this feeling at like three am while watching Netflix. I drew some porny fanart and I wrote some smutty fanfic. Can't help it, I just think that they would make such a good pair, In canon they have never met—
I don't care, I ship it. I don't care.
читать дальшеI know that they are siblings but I think there's something more If she weren't dating that guy, they'd be banging, I am sure. The third scene in episode four, come on, look at him stare. Twincest can't really be that bad—
I don't care, I ship it. I don't care.
You're on the canon ground, I'm up in crack ship space Let's start a shipping war, don't care if I get hate. Don't like my pairings, well, then you can hit the bricks. This is my OTP, I'll go down with this ship!
I ship it! I ship it!
They keep on saying they're not gay, but yeah I really doubt that, This can't just be a bromance, who would write a show about that? I think the subtext in the second season's pretty clear, Don't tell me I need to calm down—
I don't care, I ship it. I don't care, I ship it, I ship it. I don't care, I ship it. I don't care.
You're on the canon ground, I'm up in crack ship space Let's start a shipping war, don't care if I get hate. Don't like my pairings, well, then you can hit the bricks. This is my OTP, I'll go down with this ship!
I don't care, I ship it. I don't care, I ship it, I ship it. I don't care, I ship it. I don't care, I ship it, I ship it. I don't care. I ship it.
один из моих самых любимых канонных пейрингов в марвеле i used to have such hope that, sooner or later, it would work out. and i’ve come to realize, that part of the reason i’ve felt like that lately…was because of one girl. because she was so bright, so cheery and funny and somehow she was always secure in the knowledge that things were going to work out. because she knew stuff.
прочитанное по Джонни и Питеру *_* Party of Two , Peter Parker/Johnny Storm, PG-13 It's Johnny's birthday, and he wants to hang out. Они такие очаровательные влюбленные придурки И у Джонни есть фигурка Спайдермена. Это так мило)))
Keep Throwing Things and Slamming the Door , Peter Parker/Johnny Storm, PG-13 Waking up in a stranger's bed is not how superhero Johnny Storm planned on spending the morning after the night before. From now on… A) No more secret hookups with Peter Parker—he's the last man on earth Johnny'd want to share a room with, never mind a king-size bed. B) Maintain a professional persona at all times. After all, he's a photographer for New York's #1 Superhero Bashing Rag and Johnny's perfect tabloid fodder. C) Keep friends close but enemies closer. Easier said than done, with She-Hulk away on her honeymoon and Spider-Man avoiding him. Немного аушка. Очень понравилось *_* Позабавило, когда Джонни решил, что Питер влюблен в Спайдермена)))
It's Unexpected, So Unexpected, Peter Parker/Johnny Storm, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, PG-13 Peter Parker is dating someone and the Avengers all want to know who the mystery person is. Peter knows he should tell them the truth before too many speculations are formed because there's no denying that yes, he is dating someone, no, that someone is not a girl, and yes, they do know that person. They know him very well. Люблю такие фики) Тут очень классная команда и очаровательный Стив, который на полном серьезе думал, что никто не знает про их с Тони отношения)))
Half-Baked Ideas (Are Always the Best), Peter Parker/Johnny Storm, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, AU, PG-13 Johnny Storm opens a bakery. Peter Parker is his most loyal regular. Милая аушка *_*
all of this is going to work out fine, Peter Parker/Johnny Storm, PG-13 Peter Parker and Johnny Storm sort of have a thing. Actually, scratch that. Johnny doesn't even know Peter. Spider-Man and Johnny Storm sort of have a thing. В саммари все сказано) Хороший фик И тут такая классная ЭмДжей!
I've Got the Hots For You, Peter Parker/Johnny Storm, PG-13 "We've been crime fighting bffs for forever, and you're pretty much the only Avenger whose identity is still hidden from me." Spider-Man glanced over at Johnny Storm, who was leaning against an alleyway wall with his arms crossed and waiting for an answer. "You wouldn't want to know my actual identity anyway. He's a bit of a loser," Peter said, shrugging. Чудесный фик Особенно понравился ужин у Фанастической Четверки) Рид испытывал какую-то штуку, и теперь Сью и Бен странно себя ведут. А Рид, наоборот, ведет себя как нормальный человек и даже разговаривает о погоде И уверен, что Джонии и Спайди встречаются)))
When Peter Met Johnny, Peter Parker/Johnny Storm, Reed Richards/Susan Storm, PG-13 Peter takes up additional paparazzi work to pay the bills, which inevitably leads to an angry flaming man, a broken camera, an accidental friendship and a whole lot more than he bargained for. Тоже немного аушка. Питер так мило ревновал Джонни к самому себе хд Классный фик, мне очень понравилось, как развивались отношения Питера и Джонни
A Not Really Bad But Close To It Idea, Peter Parker/Johnny Storm, NC-17 Peter was absolutely certain it was an awful, terribly bad idea. He just couldn’t for the life of him remember why it was so bad, when kissing Johnny made him feel like he was high on cocaine or something equally as bad for his health but incredibly pleasurable. Пвпшечка Наконец-то, а то по ним почти все пиджи))) Не то, чтобы мне прям так нужен был рейтинг в фиках, но иногда хочется)))
новый арт от loobeeinthesky Jim’s about to stretch McCoy out in the recovery position when he stirs, coughing wetly. He startles when Jim’s arms come up to surround him, cradling him protectively, and Jim sees his eyelashes flutter against his cheeks as his eyes open. “Jim,” he murmurs, so certain of his presence that Jim feels nothing but shame. “Hey,” he whispers, tucking his chin against McCoy’s hair. *кликабельно*
вдохновлено этим фиком Aftershocks, James T. Kirk/Leonard McCoy, AU, NC-17 Jim Kirk turns down Pike’s challenge, and doesn’t get on the Starfleet recruiting shuttle. But neither does Leonard McCoy, who’s actually been in Iowa for six months already, doing fuck-all. Becoming drinking buddies seems like a natural progression. Sometimes the path to the stars is just a piece-of-shit dirt road. You know, the kind that’s filled with potholes and surrounded by brambles and conveniently happens to be located in the bottom of a ravine. But every once in a while, when confronted with such a twisted mess of circumstance and cracked foundation, the universe still does its very best to fill in the holes. Я читала, мне очень понравилось *_*
Гли меня все больше разочаровывает. После 5х07 в голове была только одна мысль: WHAT THE FUCK WAS IT?! Серьезно, это какой-то наркоманский бред, даже говорить об этом не хочется Рождественская серия, конечно, получше была, но мне все равно не особо понравилось. То есть, она неплохая, просто не то. В ней нет того духа рождества, за который я и люблю рождественские эпизоды. Зато мне внезапно дали один из моих пейрингов, который я шипперю еще с первого сезона: Уилл и Сью