пятница, 08 ноября 2013
I do what I want
I do what I want
I do what I want
и постер ко второму сезону Орфан Блэк *_* скорей бы уже
I do what I want
I do what I want
ну какой же Томми чудесный, я не могу просто
07.11.2013 в 23:19
Пишет badass reedenstein:Видео обязательно к просмотру) Том оправдывается, почему видел Хемсворта голым, долго решает, кого бы трахнул, на ком женился, а кого бы убил, танцует танцы народов мира (гэнгнэмстайл иклюдид) и дерется с ведущим подушками![:D](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1131.gif)
URL записи![:D](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1131.gif)
I do what I want
боже, как же я люблю арты loobeeinthesky! она потрясающе рисует![:heart:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1177.gif)
и меня дико кинкает, как Джим Боунза за волосы держит![:crazylove:](http://static.diary.ru/userdir/0/0/6/7/0067/57872790.gif)
"Think you can handle me, Kid?"
и меня дико кинкает, как Джим Боунза за волосы держит
"Think you can handle me, Kid?"
I do what I want
Ура, я наконец-то смогла сформулировать свои мысли по поводу серии! Не прошло и года
эз южуал
I do what I want
четверг, 07 ноября 2013
I do what I want
I do what I want
наверно, это уже все запостили, но я хочу, чтобы и у меня было)))
это вин![:vict:](http://static.diary.ru/userdir/0/0/0/0/0000/12204117.gif)
Пользователь тумблера переделал плакат Тора. Кинотеатр в Шанхае принял работу за официальный постер и выставил у себя)
Крису и Тому показали этот постер. Им понравилось хд Крис хочет себе такой на стену![:lol:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1135.gif)
это вин
Пользователь тумблера переделал плакат Тора. Кинотеатр в Шанхае принял работу за официальный постер и выставил у себя)
Крису и Тому показали этот постер. Им понравилось хд Крис хочет себе такой на стену
Доступ к записи ограничен
I do what I want
Закрытая запись, не предназначенная для публичного просмотра
I do what I want
I do what I want
после просмотра трейлера второго Кэпа во мне проснулись СтивБаки филлз![:heart:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1177.gif)
escape from new york , James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, R
On Monday morning Thor parades bare-ass naked around the Tower; it all goes downhill from there. Or, the one where New York gets infected with alien sex pollen, Steve appears to be the only sane man, and the things that ensue include hilarity, fake zombies, pining and surprise makeouts. And a bear trap.
Весь Нью-Йорк оказался подвержен действию какой-то секс-пыльцы. Кроме Стива и Баки. Что не помешало им наконец-то разобраться в своих отношениях)
we learned to watch each other die, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, PG-13-NC-17
Bucky finds him curled up on a window seat. The living room is empty except for him which is a minor feat, there’s usually some other Avenger in there, at least passing through if nothing else. Steve is focused entirely on his sketchbook and doesn’t notice him at first so Bucky takes the chance to sneak up behind him to peer over his shoulder.
Чудесная серия фиков в нашем времени *_*
but hey, you're all right, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, PG-13
'This is not my fault,' Tony lies. 'It was supposed to be a joke! Christ.'
'Thanks to your joke,' says Coulson, 'we now have a code three-four-delta, with the variable being a Russian immigrant. We're checking his background right now, but it might take a while. Meanwhile, I suggest you civilian-proof the Tower. If any SHIELD intelligence is compromised, I will hurt you.'
Yes, this is the story where the Winter Soldier is a Russian mail-order bride. Everything goes about as well as you'd expect.
Тони решил пошутить и заказал Стиву по почте невесту из России. Невеста оказалась Зимним Солдатом)))
Been Looking At You Forever, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, NC-17
Clint and Phil are friends. Friends who have sex. That’s all there is to it. Honestly.
Вообще, Стив/Баки тут не главный перйинг, но они все равно чудесные
И сам фик хороший. Правда, нцу Клинта и Коулсона я читала по диагонали хд
Five Times Bucky Got Permission, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, PG-13
People keep trying to tell Bucky something, and he's getting very confused.
Молодец Тони, а то эти два идиота еще долго бы ходили вокруг да около)))
Learn How To Tell You Goodbye, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, brief Clint Barton/Steve Rogers, R
When Phil Coulson's life model decoy is attacked on the Helicarrier, the World Security Council seizes the opportunity to send him deep undercover in Russia.
Meanwhile, back in New York, Clint Barton struggles to come to terms with the loss of his handler and unexpectedly finding himself part of the Avengers, a group of people who can't quite call themselves a team. Yet.
Пост-Авенджеры. Коулсона отправили на секретное задание в Россию, и там он встречает Зимнего Солдата. Интересный фик. Автор еще обещала написать сиквел с упором на Баки и Стива, буду ждать)))
The Art Of Trolling, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, PG-13
Since everyone thinks they can ask all kinds of intrusive questions about Captain America, it's Bucky's duty to troll the hell out of them.
Как Баки троллил всех насчет их со Стивом отношений![:laugh:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1126.gif)
till i wake your ghost, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, PG-13
There's a kill order on the Winter Soldier and Steve Rogers has been acting kind of strangely lately.
push your old numbers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, R
The Winter Soldier emerges.
The operative must be eased from cryostasis as one would ease a child from a nightmare. A low level of lighting is required. Remember! Soothing voices. Previous experience has shown that the operative reacts unfavourably to conflict within the first ten minutes of waking. He is our greatest achievement. Treat him accordingly. Treat him as one of the Kelch eggs. Treat him as you would your ailing grandmother. Treat him as you would your lover. Treat him as you would any volatile substance. Failure to do so is catastrophic. Remember Sasha. - Nasten’ka Petrova.
Я даже не могу передать свои эмоции от этих фиков. Понравилось безумно![:heart:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1177.gif)
this city bleeds its aching heart, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, NC-17
The one where Steve and Bucky pose as a happily married couple while on a mission for SHIELD, to catch an international arms dealer hiding in a suburban neighbourhood.
Замечательный фик
Люблю такие сюжеты) И очень умилили их взаимоотношения с соседями)))
Once you've fallen from classical virtue, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, R
And, yes, there, leaning against the kitchen table, cradling a mug of coffee between two massive hands, is his blonde mystery man.
“I know this is going to sound strange,” he says, immediately. “But I don’t suppose you know who I am?”
The blonde man blinks and the corners of his mouth turn down. “Damn. I was hoping you could tell me who I am.”
Стив и Баки проснулись, не помня, кто они и где, и решили, что они вместе)
getting the old band back together, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, NC-17
"No. I," Banner ducks his head. "I walked in on Steve and James in my lab-"
"Oh god," says Stark. "They've had lab sex. They're not even scientists and they've had lab sex."
Как все Авенджеры узнали об отношениях Стива и Баки) Бедная Пеппер![:-D](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1133.gif)
someday, somebody from somewhere, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, PG-13
Steve tries to set Bucky up, Bucky has a problem with second dates, the Avengers end up staging an intervention and a fake date turns out better than expected. Or, how Steve Rogers got his groove back.
Стив такой очаровательный тормоз
И отличное сравнение с Русалочкой хд
Wrapped me up in your wire, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, NC-17
“Steve gets rough, I like it. End of story, Tony. Seriously.” He covers Tony's hand with his own and gently pushes it off. “I'm sorry for worrying all of you, but really, Steve is great.”
Tony gives him a hard look but backs off. “So Steve can do rough?”
Тони так мило переживает за Баки)))
Family is what you make it, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, PG-13-NC-17
The Winter Soldier is Natasha Romanov's father. Natasha's life, from childhood to SHIELD.
"I wouldn't have chosen this life for you. But never, ever, doubt that you are loved, Natasha."
Мпрег. Стив и Баки родители Наташи. Ничего не знаю, мне понравилось))) У Баки и Наташи прекрасные взаимоотношения. И реакция остальных Авенджеров, когда они обо всем узнали, прайслесс)))
Big in Japan, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Loki/Thor, Jane Foster/Thor, PG-13
Steve hesitantly reaches out and takes the object in Tony’s arms to survey it. 'It' being a pillow upon which was an almost frighteningly accurate illustration of Loki, their on-and-off again nemesis. "I don't--how did you even get this? Who would MAKE this?"
Clearly Steve doesn't find the attention-to-detail on Loki's costume as hilarious as Tony does, which whatever. Like he said. Killjoy.
A.K.A The one time Tony buys Thor the world's worst souvenir and it somehow worked out in the end anyway.
Тони привез Тору в подарок из Японии подушку с изображением Локи. Кто же знал, чем это обернется)))
everybody talks, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Carol Danvers
Mhm. You know James cuts the sleeves off of all his grungy t-shirts, right? Also you have a hickey." He reaches up and plucks at the edge of the sleeve where the hem had been cut off. She could see his fingers twitch but he resists searching for the hickey. "So, I ask again, good night? Or do I need to familiarize him with the inside of his own ass?"
Steve chuckles and holds up both hands. "You caught me. Don't worry. It was very good." He comes around to lean against the counter next to her and rummages through the paper. "And how was your night?"
Тут такая чудесная Кэрол *_*
at any given moment, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, PG-13
Steve and Bucky find out that everyone thinks they're sleeping together.
В саммари все сказано)))
old habits, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, PG-13
The real funny thing is that Steve could handle this situation, no problem, were their positions reversed.
Стив превратился в себя четырнадцатилетнего, Баки отправили справляться с ним.
If you see me down the street, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, PG-13
Clint calls them disturbingly Twilight, minus the pro-life message and the hot moms.
Bruce makes a more erudite observation that they’re more like Apuleius’s Cupid and Psyche but he’s wrong too because that would make the Avengers his jealous sisters and Nick Fury his mother-in-law.
Баки приходит к Стиву по ночам, Стив думает, что он не настоящий. Реакция Авенджеров потом прекрасна))) Тони сравнил их с Горбатой горой, Брюс с мифом о Купидоне и Психее, а Клинт с Сумерками![:lol:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1135.gif)
escape from new york , James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, R
On Monday morning Thor parades bare-ass naked around the Tower; it all goes downhill from there. Or, the one where New York gets infected with alien sex pollen, Steve appears to be the only sane man, and the things that ensue include hilarity, fake zombies, pining and surprise makeouts. And a bear trap.
Весь Нью-Йорк оказался подвержен действию какой-то секс-пыльцы. Кроме Стива и Баки. Что не помешало им наконец-то разобраться в своих отношениях)
we learned to watch each other die, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, PG-13-NC-17
Bucky finds him curled up on a window seat. The living room is empty except for him which is a minor feat, there’s usually some other Avenger in there, at least passing through if nothing else. Steve is focused entirely on his sketchbook and doesn’t notice him at first so Bucky takes the chance to sneak up behind him to peer over his shoulder.
Чудесная серия фиков в нашем времени *_*
but hey, you're all right, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, PG-13
'This is not my fault,' Tony lies. 'It was supposed to be a joke! Christ.'
'Thanks to your joke,' says Coulson, 'we now have a code three-four-delta, with the variable being a Russian immigrant. We're checking his background right now, but it might take a while. Meanwhile, I suggest you civilian-proof the Tower. If any SHIELD intelligence is compromised, I will hurt you.'
Yes, this is the story where the Winter Soldier is a Russian mail-order bride. Everything goes about as well as you'd expect.
Тони решил пошутить и заказал Стиву по почте невесту из России. Невеста оказалась Зимним Солдатом)))
Been Looking At You Forever, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, NC-17
Clint and Phil are friends. Friends who have sex. That’s all there is to it. Honestly.
Вообще, Стив/Баки тут не главный перйинг, но они все равно чудесные
Five Times Bucky Got Permission, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, PG-13
People keep trying to tell Bucky something, and he's getting very confused.
Молодец Тони, а то эти два идиота еще долго бы ходили вокруг да около)))
Learn How To Tell You Goodbye, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, brief Clint Barton/Steve Rogers, R
When Phil Coulson's life model decoy is attacked on the Helicarrier, the World Security Council seizes the opportunity to send him deep undercover in Russia.
Meanwhile, back in New York, Clint Barton struggles to come to terms with the loss of his handler and unexpectedly finding himself part of the Avengers, a group of people who can't quite call themselves a team. Yet.
Пост-Авенджеры. Коулсона отправили на секретное задание в Россию, и там он встречает Зимнего Солдата. Интересный фик. Автор еще обещала написать сиквел с упором на Баки и Стива, буду ждать)))
The Art Of Trolling, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, PG-13
Since everyone thinks they can ask all kinds of intrusive questions about Captain America, it's Bucky's duty to troll the hell out of them.
Как Баки троллил всех насчет их со Стивом отношений
till i wake your ghost, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, PG-13
There's a kill order on the Winter Soldier and Steve Rogers has been acting kind of strangely lately.
push your old numbers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, R
The Winter Soldier emerges.
The operative must be eased from cryostasis as one would ease a child from a nightmare. A low level of lighting is required. Remember! Soothing voices. Previous experience has shown that the operative reacts unfavourably to conflict within the first ten minutes of waking. He is our greatest achievement. Treat him accordingly. Treat him as one of the Kelch eggs. Treat him as you would your ailing grandmother. Treat him as you would your lover. Treat him as you would any volatile substance. Failure to do so is catastrophic. Remember Sasha. - Nasten’ka Petrova.
Я даже не могу передать свои эмоции от этих фиков. Понравилось безумно
this city bleeds its aching heart, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, NC-17
The one where Steve and Bucky pose as a happily married couple while on a mission for SHIELD, to catch an international arms dealer hiding in a suburban neighbourhood.
Замечательный фик
Once you've fallen from classical virtue, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, R
And, yes, there, leaning against the kitchen table, cradling a mug of coffee between two massive hands, is his blonde mystery man.
“I know this is going to sound strange,” he says, immediately. “But I don’t suppose you know who I am?”
The blonde man blinks and the corners of his mouth turn down. “Damn. I was hoping you could tell me who I am.”
Стив и Баки проснулись, не помня, кто они и где, и решили, что они вместе)
getting the old band back together, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, NC-17
"No. I," Banner ducks his head. "I walked in on Steve and James in my lab-"
"Oh god," says Stark. "They've had lab sex. They're not even scientists and they've had lab sex."
Как все Авенджеры узнали об отношениях Стива и Баки) Бедная Пеппер
someday, somebody from somewhere, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, PG-13
Steve tries to set Bucky up, Bucky has a problem with second dates, the Avengers end up staging an intervention and a fake date turns out better than expected. Or, how Steve Rogers got his groove back.
Стив такой очаровательный тормоз
Wrapped me up in your wire, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, NC-17
“Steve gets rough, I like it. End of story, Tony. Seriously.” He covers Tony's hand with his own and gently pushes it off. “I'm sorry for worrying all of you, but really, Steve is great.”
Tony gives him a hard look but backs off. “So Steve can do rough?”
Тони так мило переживает за Баки)))
Family is what you make it, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, PG-13-NC-17
The Winter Soldier is Natasha Romanov's father. Natasha's life, from childhood to SHIELD.
"I wouldn't have chosen this life for you. But never, ever, doubt that you are loved, Natasha."
Мпрег. Стив и Баки родители Наташи. Ничего не знаю, мне понравилось))) У Баки и Наташи прекрасные взаимоотношения. И реакция остальных Авенджеров, когда они обо всем узнали, прайслесс)))
Big in Japan, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Loki/Thor, Jane Foster/Thor, PG-13
Steve hesitantly reaches out and takes the object in Tony’s arms to survey it. 'It' being a pillow upon which was an almost frighteningly accurate illustration of Loki, their on-and-off again nemesis. "I don't--how did you even get this? Who would MAKE this?"
Clearly Steve doesn't find the attention-to-detail on Loki's costume as hilarious as Tony does, which whatever. Like he said. Killjoy.
A.K.A The one time Tony buys Thor the world's worst souvenir and it somehow worked out in the end anyway.
Тони привез Тору в подарок из Японии подушку с изображением Локи. Кто же знал, чем это обернется)))
everybody talks, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Carol Danvers
Mhm. You know James cuts the sleeves off of all his grungy t-shirts, right? Also you have a hickey." He reaches up and plucks at the edge of the sleeve where the hem had been cut off. She could see his fingers twitch but he resists searching for the hickey. "So, I ask again, good night? Or do I need to familiarize him with the inside of his own ass?"
Steve chuckles and holds up both hands. "You caught me. Don't worry. It was very good." He comes around to lean against the counter next to her and rummages through the paper. "And how was your night?"
Тут такая чудесная Кэрол *_*
at any given moment, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, PG-13
Steve and Bucky find out that everyone thinks they're sleeping together.
В саммари все сказано)))
old habits, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, PG-13
The real funny thing is that Steve could handle this situation, no problem, were their positions reversed.
Стив превратился в себя четырнадцатилетнего, Баки отправили справляться с ним.
If you see me down the street, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, PG-13
Clint calls them disturbingly Twilight, minus the pro-life message and the hot moms.
Bruce makes a more erudite observation that they’re more like Apuleius’s Cupid and Psyche but he’s wrong too because that would make the Avengers his jealous sisters and Nick Fury his mother-in-law.
Баки приходит к Стиву по ночам, Стив думает, что он не настоящий. Реакция Авенджеров потом прекрасна))) Тони сравнил их с Горбатой горой, Брюс с мифом о Купидоне и Психее, а Клинт с Сумерками
I do what I want
Сходили в воскресенье на Тора-2. Хотела что-то написать, но у меня получается только ЛОКИ ЛОКИ ЛОКИ ТОР СИФ ТОРОЛОКИ ОЛОЛО БЕЛЫЙ ШУМ
Поэтому утащу пост мужа хд
URL записи
Поэтому утащу пост мужа хд
04.11.2013 в 14:47
Пишет badass reedenstein:URL записи
суббота, 02 ноября 2013
I do what I want
и видео по ним![:heart:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1177.gif)
I do what I want
увидела тут Бобби в трейлере Второго Класса, и меня накрыло бурным приступом любви к Пайро и Айсмену![:heart:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1177.gif)
и нет, это неважно, что Пайро там вообще не было хд
Days of Becoming, John Allerdyce/Bobby Drake, Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Kitty Pryde/Piotr Rasputin, Kitty Pryde/Warren Worthington III, John Allerdyce/Remy LeBeau
A sudden increase in the manifestations of young mutants causes panic across America. Two young mutants, Bobby Drake and St. John Allerdyce follow very different and sometimes converging paths to adulthood. What do you believe in when everything you've trusted is gone? The action begins a year before X1 and finishes following X3.
Боже, какой потрясающий фик
Еще и огромное макси *_* История взаимоотношений Бобби и Джона, начиная за год до событий первого фильма и заканчивая пост-Последней Битвой. Здесь такой офигенный Джон! Я прям влюбилась в него еще больше, чем раньше))) Бобби большую часть фика очень хотелось огреть чем-нибудь тяжелым по голове. И ведь Джон поверил ему, а Бобби его оставил
Но я рада, что он в конце концов разобрался в себе, и у них с Джоном все наладилось. И здорово, что история не только про них, но еще и про остальных Иксменов. Смотрится как missing scenes из фильмов, как будто так все и было))) Еще очень понравилось, что Эмма "включила" силы Джона, что ему теперь не нужен источник пламени, и он может просто создавать огонь. А Скотт мудак
Something Borrowed, Something Blue, John Allerdyce/Bobby Drake, Bobby Drake/Rogue, Logan (X-Men)/Rogue (hinted), Kitty Pryde/Gambit (hinted), brief John/Other, R
He figured he would have learned that when he was drunk, he should stay far, far away from anyone who wasn’t Bobby. Actually, Bobby, too. He should just stay the hell away from anyone who’d remember things in the morning and be able to hold them against him. But apparently, just like in a whole mess of other things, John hadn’t learned his lesson.
Первый фик по ним, что я прочитала) Очень понравилось
Ревнующий Джон, ащщ *_* И он действительно отлично умеет выбирать время для важных признаний хд Главное, что оказалось не слишком поздно.
Melting Ice, John Allerdyce/Bobby Drake, PG-13
After Magneto is cured, Bobby can't stand to leave John behind. He convinces the rest of the team to bring John back and give him a second chance, but John might not be willing to change or accept that second chance.
Пост-Алькатрас. Бобби не смог бросить Джона там и забрал его с собой в школу Профессора. Хороший фик. Бобби винит себя за то, что Джон ушел с Магнито![:small:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1156.gif)
You know nothing, John Allerdyce/Bobby Drake, G
Wanda accidentally turns John into his five-year old self.
В саммари все сказано) Очаровательный фик
У мелкого Пайро был краш на Логана хд
An Angry Boy with a Broken Heart, John Allerdyce/Bobby Drake, PG-13
Four months after Alcatraz Pyro finds Magneto and asks him to come back to the mansion to continue Xavier's work.
Отличный фик. Очень понравилось, как Магнито о Джоне заботится *_* И как Бобби и Аваланш (кажется, его имя пишется так хд) чуть не подрались из-за Пайро)))
и нет, это неважно, что Пайро там вообще не было хд
Days of Becoming, John Allerdyce/Bobby Drake, Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Kitty Pryde/Piotr Rasputin, Kitty Pryde/Warren Worthington III, John Allerdyce/Remy LeBeau
A sudden increase in the manifestations of young mutants causes panic across America. Two young mutants, Bobby Drake and St. John Allerdyce follow very different and sometimes converging paths to adulthood. What do you believe in when everything you've trusted is gone? The action begins a year before X1 and finishes following X3.
Боже, какой потрясающий фик
Something Borrowed, Something Blue, John Allerdyce/Bobby Drake, Bobby Drake/Rogue, Logan (X-Men)/Rogue (hinted), Kitty Pryde/Gambit (hinted), brief John/Other, R
He figured he would have learned that when he was drunk, he should stay far, far away from anyone who wasn’t Bobby. Actually, Bobby, too. He should just stay the hell away from anyone who’d remember things in the morning and be able to hold them against him. But apparently, just like in a whole mess of other things, John hadn’t learned his lesson.
Первый фик по ним, что я прочитала) Очень понравилось
Melting Ice, John Allerdyce/Bobby Drake, PG-13
After Magneto is cured, Bobby can't stand to leave John behind. He convinces the rest of the team to bring John back and give him a second chance, but John might not be willing to change or accept that second chance.
Пост-Алькатрас. Бобби не смог бросить Джона там и забрал его с собой в школу Профессора. Хороший фик. Бобби винит себя за то, что Джон ушел с Магнито
You know nothing, John Allerdyce/Bobby Drake, G
Wanda accidentally turns John into his five-year old self.
В саммари все сказано) Очаровательный фик
An Angry Boy with a Broken Heart, John Allerdyce/Bobby Drake, PG-13
Four months after Alcatraz Pyro finds Magneto and asks him to come back to the mansion to continue Xavier's work.
Отличный фик. Очень понравилось, как Магнито о Джоне заботится *_* И как Бобби и Аваланш (кажется, его имя пишется так хд) чуть не подрались из-за Пайро)))
пятница, 01 ноября 2013
I do what I want
Это Шон говорил, что третьи Святые все-таки будут, и Даффи уже пишет сценарий.
И что, скорей всего мы увидим фильм уже в 2014 году *_*
Это Шон говорил, что третьи Святые все-таки будут, и Даффи уже пишет сценарий.
И что, скорей всего мы увидим фильм уже в 2014 году *_*
I do what I want
отличные спасители человечества, чо![:lol:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1135.gif)
01.11.2013 в 16:52
Пишет badass reedenstein:How Andrew Lincoln & Norman Reedus would react in an apocalypse.
И этим людям доверили спасение мира![:lol:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1135.gif)
Не хотела бы я оказаться рядом с Эндрю при апокалипсисе![:lol:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1135.gif)
URL записиИ этим людям доверили спасение мира
Не хотела бы я оказаться рядом с Эндрю при апокалипсисе