среда, 18 сентября 2013
I do what I want
вторник, 17 сентября 2013
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I do what I want
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I do what I want
I do what I want
I do what I want
I do what I want
какие тэги чудесные![:heart:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1177.gif)
#bones filming jim during a shore leave #they rented an old-fashioned car not dissimilar to the one jim once drove off a cliff in his younger days #and was subsequently disciplined severely for #but at the rental store it was the only car jim had eyes for #and the weather was beautiful that day in georgia so they had the top down #and often times bones feared for his life because while jim wears command gold he’s no pilot like sulu #but jim’s laugh was so happy and his smile so carefree #and the bright afternoon sun seemed dim in comparison #sometimes when bones misses jim #he’ll go back to this file #and play these few seconds again and again#and think of how beautiful jim was and still is #because right afterward the video careens out of focus #due to jim leaning in and kissing bones full on the mouth#sweet summer days ©
#bones filming jim during a shore leave #they rented an old-fashioned car not dissimilar to the one jim once drove off a cliff in his younger days #and was subsequently disciplined severely for #but at the rental store it was the only car jim had eyes for #and the weather was beautiful that day in georgia so they had the top down #and often times bones feared for his life because while jim wears command gold he’s no pilot like sulu #but jim’s laugh was so happy and his smile so carefree #and the bright afternoon sun seemed dim in comparison #sometimes when bones misses jim #he’ll go back to this file #and play these few seconds again and again#and think of how beautiful jim was and still is #because right afterward the video careens out of focus #due to jim leaning in and kissing bones full on the mouth#sweet summer days ©
I do what I want
понедельник, 16 сентября 2013
I do what I want
Катя, вы опять читаете мои мысли. Я только хотела это запостить)))
тэги прекрасны![](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1177.gif)
тэги прекрасны
16.09.2013 в 23:38
Пишет кристофер нет:Теги ♥
#um so #i kinda wanna talk about this for like fifteen years #jim and bones have this way of talking to each other #saying a million things with a single phrase#’bones!’ can mean ‘i’m so happy to see you i could just shit’ or it can mean ‘it’s my birthday and i’m getting drunk’#’dammit jim’ can mean ‘dammit jim’ or it can mean ‘you’re the best friend i’ve ever had you asshole’#’it’s good to see you jim’ can mean ‘i didn’t breathe while you were out there’#it can mean ‘stay’ #just look at his face#there’s so much they still need to say to each other#and they need to be frank for one of the first times in their lives #bones is more relieved than he ever could have expected he’d be to see jim here in front of him#and it’s gotta be so hard for him to not just reach out and pull jim into him #bones is slowly learning that he needs jim #just as much as jim needs him (via thelegendarybones)
URL записи![](https://25.media.tumblr.com/f44fcc3d1ec31f16825552cc6710062b/tumblr_mswy8jO4dt1qza1jqo1_500.gif)
#um so #i kinda wanna talk about this for like fifteen years #jim and bones have this way of talking to each other #saying a million things with a single phrase#’bones!’ can mean ‘i’m so happy to see you i could just shit’ or it can mean ‘it’s my birthday and i’m getting drunk’#’dammit jim’ can mean ‘dammit jim’ or it can mean ‘you’re the best friend i’ve ever had you asshole’#’it’s good to see you jim’ can mean ‘i didn’t breathe while you were out there’#it can mean ‘stay’ #just look at his face#there’s so much they still need to say to each other#and they need to be frank for one of the first times in their lives #bones is more relieved than he ever could have expected he’d be to see jim here in front of him#and it’s gotta be so hard for him to not just reach out and pull jim into him #bones is slowly learning that he needs jim #just as much as jim needs him (via thelegendarybones)
I do what I want
а пока мы ждали своего сеанса, решили устроить фотосет на лавочке около кинотеатра
мне в кои-то веки нравится, как я на фотках получилась)))
15.09.2013 в 23:41
Пишет кристофер нет:Риддик
Отсмотрено. НАМ НЕДОДАЛИ.
нам недодали Крлурбна
нам недодали Крлурбна
нам недодали Крлурбна
нам недодали Крлурбна
нам недодали Крлурбна
нам недодали Крлурбна
нам недодали некромонгеров
нам недодали экшна
нам недодали сюжета
нам недодали фана
они убилиКенни собаченьку
нам недодали Крлурбна
нам недодали Криса Пайна
я уже упомянула Крлурбна?
В двух словах:
Требую фильм "Ваако. Восстание негромонгеров". Где подписать петицию?![:lol:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1135.gif)
Пойду пересмотрю первый фильм.
URL записиОтсмотрено. НАМ НЕДОДАЛИ.
нам недодали Крлурбна
нам недодали Крлурбна
нам недодали Крлурбна
нам недодали Крлурбна
нам недодали Крлурбна
нам недодали Крлурбна
нам недодали некромонгеров
нам недодали экшна
нам недодали сюжета
нам недодали фана
они убили
нам недодали Крлурбна
нам недодали Криса Пайна
я уже упомянула Крлурбна?
В двух словах:
Требую фильм "Ваако. Восстание негромонгеров". Где подписать петицию?
Пойду пересмотрю первый фильм.
I do what I want
Сходили вчера на Риддика ради 30 секунд Карла Урбана хд Мне понравился сам Риддик, собаченька Динго Донго, спецэффекты, наличие юмора, лорд Ваако и первые минут 40 фильма. На этом, пожалуй, все.
читать дальше
читать дальше
воскресенье, 15 сентября 2013
I do what I want
суббота, 14 сентября 2013
I do what I want
I do what I want
I do what I want
I do what I want
как им подходит эта песня![:heart:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1177.gif)
I do what I want
в тосе потрясающие женщины![:heart:](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1177.gif)
you’re on a different road, I’m in the Milky Way
you want me down on Earth, but I am up in space
you’re on a different road, I’m in the Milky Way
you want me down on Earth, but I am up in space
I do what I want
I do what I want