Aww! Люблюнимагу Эндрю похож на Росомаху с такой прической))) Andrew Garfield attends Band of Outsiders and Net-A-Porter’s screening of Meatballs at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery on Wednesday (August 24) in Hollywood. The 28-year-old actor along with other celebs, including Nicole Richie and Joel Madden, kicked back with Dewar’s cocktails and meatball subs before watching the 1979 Bill Murray film, which was projected on the mausoleum. +7 Отсюда
Я БОЛЬШЕ НЕ МОГУ *рыдаит и бьецца головой апстену* ЧАРЛЬЗ ЭРИК ПЛАТЬЕ КРОВАТЬ РАДУГА ЕДИНОРОГИ ЛЮБОВЬ АДЕКВАТНОСТЬ ВОЗ НЕВЕР ЭН ОПШН БЕСТ ТЬЮЗДЭЙ ЭВА!!!!!!!!!11111 Я ЛЮБЛЮ ИКС ФАНДОМ!!!!11 Мама спросила, есть ли у нас сахар, я ответила "Нет, платье закончилось" Пристрелите меня, чтоб уж не мучилась. А мама сказала, что ему идет. И теперь издевается надо мной, заканчивая каждую мою фразу словами "Эрик в платье" Эта гифка очень точно отражает мое сегодняшнее состояние
От Кристин Даже не знаю, можно ли это считать спойлером
читать дальшеThe odds of seeing Lisa and Ben again on Supernatural this season are about equal to the odds of seeing Castiel (Misha Collins) after the second episode. Make of that what you will. (Sob.)
Шансы увидеть Бена и Лизу в этом сезоне примерно равны шансам увидеть Кастиэля после второй серии. Думайте, что хотите.
Пы. Сы.А шансы увидеть Кастиэля после первых двух серий стремятся к нулю
URL записи Получается, либо мы увидим в 7 сезоне всех троих, либо не увидим никого. Я очень надеюсь, что читать дальшевсе же второе. По Кастиэлю я, может, и буду немного скучать, но точно не по тому, каким он был в 6 сезоне. А вот если вернут Лису с Беном, не уверена, что буду продолжать смотреть. При всей моей любви к сериалу, не хочу, чтобы он превращался в очередную Санта-Барбару. К тому же линию с Лисой и Беном очень удачно, на мой взгляд, завершили. Не вижу смысла возвращаться к ней...
Essentially, The Pacific is split up into three different groups of people. Sometimes they overlap, but for the most part you have Team Leckie, Team Basilone, and Team Sledge - with the focus of each group being on the character who's name makes them Team Leader.
- team leckie Team Leckie is awesome! Team Leckie shares oranges and saves dogs and steals slippers. Team Leckie also has a whole lot more sex than Team Sledge (although that is only if we're not counting all the hot sexytimes Snafu and Sledge had off screen. of course.).
This is Team Leckie. We have Sid Philips - the most adorable boy to ever adorable, Ronnie Gibson - who is kind of Team Leckie but kind of not, Chuckler - who is hot and tall and optimistic and a giant precious puppy, Leckie - the man himself who is all poetic angst and drunken disorderliness, Runner - who looks tiny here but is totally a witty bastard, and Hoosier. Who is the love of my life. With his Blankie. (damn straight it gets capitalized.)
Team Leckie goes through some tough times
But they also like to read to each other
And have coffee dates
And bonfires on the beach!
They also like to give each other nicknames! Actually, most of the names that I gave you are their nicknames - if you haven't figured that out already.
OKAY QUICK QUIZ! WHO IS EVERYONE?! (cheaters can look at the answers here! Left: Runner, (top left) Gibson, (bottom left) Sid, (top right) Leckie, (middle right) Hoosier, (bottom right) Chuckler ) So that's Team Leckie.
I kind of feel like I have to reiterate how pretty Chuckler is.
You guys, Chuckler is really pretty.
He's also kind of the savior of the group, and I'm pretty sure he takes care of everyone at least once throughout the show. It sort of makes me melt in pathetic ways. (And, and, I love me some Chuckler/Runner.)
This is Chuckler giving Hoosier water. And why yes, that is Hoosier with a dog. JUST WAIT. WE'RE GETTING TO THAT.
But anyway. You know who else is really pretty? Possibly even more pretty?
Sid is all kinds of perfect. Words don't even express.
The things I'd let Ashton Holmes do to me may be very inappropriate - considering he looks like a kitten that needs to be kept indoors at all times and protected from the world.
At some point he learned to do this tongue thing from Hoosier - although I have this theory that Hoosier taught him a lot more than just the tongue thing - but I digress.
Hoosier has this super sexy accent that he uses to calm down the puppy that he GRABS AND PROTECTS DURING AN AIR RAID. What. Just, what. I feel like I don't even need any more evidence of his awesome. That should be enough for ya'll.
Hoosier has very good advice for life. Honestly, if he used that slow drawl, I would probably do anything he told me to.
Hoosier/Blanket is actually 100% canon OTP.
He's just so cute!
Sometimes I just want to scoop him up in my arms and cuddle him!
Other times I just want to laugh because he has the best.
Which leads me to the tongue thing!
Seriously, it's a thing. A distracting one.
It distracts Leckie too. So much that he finally asks Hoosier on a date! It's an exciting time for everyone.
But really, Leckie and Hoosier are kind of adorable. Also sometimes their scenes look a little obscene, but. Idk. Anyway.
Hoosier and his Blankie watch Leckie limp around.
Hoosier sans Blankie limps up to the limping Leckie...
and cuts the blisters off of Leckie's feet. If that isn't love, I honestly don't know what is.
Also, I'm pretty sure Hoosier is the only one who gets tired of Leckie's angsting and is man enough to tell him to shut the fuck up. Because Hoosier is a badass.
In conclusion:
Alright. Now that we've got my bias over with, we move on! Team Basilone is...mostly just Basilone himself, and while the man is awesome and gorgeous and possibly the most kick ass in a show full of kick ass characters, I'm not gonna do a thing on him. Although I will say that his golf scene was actually one of my absolute favorites of the entire series, so. There's that.
- team sledge ooooh my god. Sledge. and absolutely everyone who comes along with him. I'm not really sure that I'm going to have the coherency for these characters, so I apologize ahead of time. Sorry.
Ack Ack (Captain Haldaine) and Hillbilly restore all the faith in me that Generation Kill made me lose. These boys are wonderful leaders and their boys love them so much and they love each other so much it's all just fantastic. They also happen to be really really badass. Which is a bonus.
Ack Ack is on the left, Hillbilly on the right. Aren't they pretty?
And in love?
I mean, really, look at the way Hillbilly looks at Ack Ack. Tell me that isn't love.
Also, look how BAMF Hillbilly is. These boys.
These are the new boys. Left to right, Eugene Sledge, Oswald, and Bill Leyden. Oswald is pretty. Oswald is the prettiest. We like Oswald. Bill Leyden is also awesome and hilarious and one of the brightest spots in an otherwise kinda depressing setting. I have no pictures of Hamm (with two M's) which breaks my heart into tiny pieces you guys don't understand my love for him is so strong he takes no crap from nobody and is adorable beyond belief and why do I not have pictures
We also like Burgin, who is hands down amazing.
This is Snafu. Snafu is totally my favorite. He's got crazy eyes. No seriously, he's got like...insane creeper eyes that he likes to use to watch over Sledge. All the time. But they look pretty here, right? Snafu has the most awesome slow Cajun accent ever.
Most important of all, this is Eugene Sledge. Sledge is my favoritiest. He's played by Joe Mazzello - and if you don't know who Joe Mazzello is, I'm officially disowning your ass.
Everybody loves Sledge. This may be because he is perfect. Anyway, they're always offering him water when everyone is dying of thirst, or offering him coffee when everyone is soaked to the bone, and he just. Is favored by everyone in this show, ever. Even his superior officer who he gets into a yelling match with is practically stumbling all over himself for Sledge's approval at the end. I mean, look at him being all comforting and gorgeous, though! Can you really blame them?
Alright, remember Sid? From Team Leckie? Yeah, Sid and Sledge are BFFs from home. This is rl!Sid and Eugene being all adorable and precious.
Pacific!Sid and Eugene are equally as awesome.
We never really see Sledge smile like this at anyone else.
BUT WAIT. There is competition for dear Sledge's affections! Our resident Creeper, Snafu, spends pretty much every single scene he's in staring at Sledge. Like, he climbs shit to find higher vantage points so he can watch over him. It would actually be really really creepy if it somehow wasn't the sweetest thing ever. But honestly, I have no idea what Rami Malek was attempting to portray in this role. Did he mean for Snafu to come off as in love with Sledge as he did? The world shall never know. We can appreciate it nonetheless.
I mean, really? You like to watch the new guys sweat? Really?
Ah, the first sign of Snafu looking out for Sledge. How sweet.
Hee! Rami's little face!
Aaaand the sexual tension begins.
One of my favorite moments of the episode.
And so begins the Snafu likes to watch Sledge portion.
When Sledge isn't busy saving his ass, that is.
That smile.
the higher vantage point the better to creep on Sledge.
Snafu's eyes are my favorite part of this scene (besides Bill Leyden). He just looks so shifty and unsure and socially awkward yet desperate for Sledge's approval!
And then they are both precious little happy bunnies.
Creeper Snaf is creepin'
I suppose this is the moment that it's most apparent what he's trying to do for Sledge, isn't it.
most intellectual conversation ever, what up.
Pulling Sledge away and making him "stay down?" Love. Love love love. Whenever someone else gets hurt/is about to get hurt Snafu is always busy pulling Sledge away.
THIS SCENE. If you weren't a Snafu/Sledge fan before - although I'm not sure how that is possible - I have no idea how you could get past this scene without loving them.
I swear, Snafu just has no idea what do do with his hands in this scene and I just want to tuck these two in my arms and feed them applesauce or something, idek. I have no gif of the aborted clap, but IT IS MY FAVORITE.
Chin on fist! I feel like this is the classic "ahhh, I'm so in love with you" move. Also it is ridiculously telling how Snafu not only gets up to move closer to Sledge in the beginning of the scene but completely orients himself towards him during it.
I also love how Sledge drops his eyes when Snafu presses against him.
So we have this - Snafu trying to comfort Sledge when he hears about his dog dying to...
...his amazingly sarcastic "wow" when he hears about Hamm with two M's brother dying. Good job, Snafu.
Okay, really, there is a suspicious amount of lip biting going on in this scene.
But look at them! Are they not the most perfect thing ever?
There are so many things I want to say about this that I have absolutely nothing to say at all.
Just. LOOK AT THE WAY HE LOOKS AT SLEDGE! There's almost too much there for me to handle.
This is like, the definition of "shifty eyes." You fool nobody, Snaf.
This. Just. The hesitation, the start of a smile, the ridiculous tenderness on his face.
Both these stupid boys break my heart in this scene, and the way Snafu stops in the middle of the aisle absolutely kills me. I don't even.
OKAY. SO. Those are the boys in love. Now we get
- the actors! because I love them just as much as I love the characters.
Okay fine, I only really made this section for Joe Mazzello's face.
And for this picture. Both of them. Ashton Holmes, what are you?