Каньо Кристалес Каньо Кристалес – загадочная река в Колумбии. Ее можно смело назвать самой яркой, разноцветной, психоделической рекой. Разнообразие ландшафтов и цветов Cano Cristales настолько громадно, что невозможно сосчитать сколько оттенков несет в себе эта река.
Дорога к Cano Cristales очень сложная, от города Ла Макарена можно добраться на лошади, или отправиться в путь пешком. Ежегодно тысячи туристов посещают это место, чтобы увидеть “реку, которая убегает к раю”, ведь не зря говорят, что Кристалес – самая красивая река в мире
Я их обожаю читать дальшеJensen just asked Jared if he wanted to guest star on glee Jensen would love to do some cool James Bond action movie. Jared would love to play a role that's unlike him omg Jared shows his bruised knuckles from pushing the emergency break on the train on friday stupidest thing jensen ever did? getting on stage with jared (he called him a moron LOL) and then jensen said "no, you know what, that was probably the smartest thing I ever did." 800 congoers go AWWWW craziest thing they did - becoming actors the scene showing soulles Sam outside the window of Dean and Lisas place was a mixture of old and new shoots Jensen's favourite part of frontierland was jared riding a small horse Jensen had to had to cock the gun in Frontierland hImself and ripped his palm open. it scarred. Jared loved the scene with samual colt the most fan: hi,my q goes to jensen. jared: BOO! Jared started pretending to sleep when someone said they had a question for jensen Dean won't be happy with an apple pie life fan shouted into the micro. they shouted back XD jared jokes about Gilmore Girls Jared doesn't regret any acting job. you learn from everything Jensen says everyrhing they did brought them where they are now they got recognized while taking a tour in a castle... by a boy... oh god their faces XD hope there are pics XD how does it feel to drive the impala? jared pouts andnd another q for jensen. and jensen smirks omg they pretending to drive over bumpers XD the real cons are better than the one in the show XD Inventing new names for new monsters next season JUSTIN BIEBERS and TWILIGHTS what new names for monsters would dean and sam come up with? justin biebers! jared: he outhairs me!! jensen: no one outhairs you! they will search for their german voices on the inteenet to see if it really sucks that bad Jared wants morgan freeman to do his voice over. Jensen thinks david hasselhoff should do it how many languages do you speak? jensen - is this a trick question? how many languages do you speak? jared: eins. - he's so adorable Jensen amazed by how many languages europeans most emotional scene NUTCRACKER real most emotional scene : burning john's body jared calls sam!lucifer samifer LOL lol at Jared using the name Samifer XD he said Lucifer went shopping for the clothes. jensen: sam will never get fashion sense sam and dean will never have fashion sense and Are proud of it jensen: sorry it took us so long for coming to Germany, but I'm really glad we did it! Отсюда
Jensen Panel читать дальшеJensen said guten tag Jensen and daneel were in freiburg. Riding a tractor. To get Dinner Jensen took piano lessons for dark angel Dean Sees sam As Spock... jensen found season 4 very challenging, but season 6 even more If Jensen could change anything about anything in supernatural he would make sam short Another thing he would change is make jdm a regular dodging the ball at the kid when dean was acting as a PE teacher at high school wasn't in the sсript Ppl Left for autogr. Jensen joked He Has some s7 Spoilers And Even kripke would come on Stage Jensen talked about the fair they went to. Jensen said that if dean went to college he would study women. Jensen said dean is good under the hood - meaning cars and women Jared Panel читать дальшеjared has been in amsterdam from thursday until yesterday the wig jared's stunt double wears is worth $5000! Jared just told if Sam's hair was insured, it would be for $20 Jared just told that Sam has Castiel's raising from perdition on his ass! Mental note: asking Jared about fight choreography leads to him fighting a water mug to demonstrate. Also, he loves being 30 feet tall on the screen behind him xD and he's wandering around on the stage what would he change? end of season 4: stop dean, exorcise ruby & make her his gf cause she's nice to look at I asked him if it was hard for him to do to "bad acting" in 'The french mistake'. He said it really was. Jared would take his wife, his dogs, an ever-lasting ipod and kindle and food to a lonely island. Jared: Tomorrow will be shirtless. "all people Sam wants to have a relationship with, guys and girls, they die or get cursed" jared has a german grandfather! and a polish one. Отсюда